Video Animation “Early Recovery and Inclusive Preparedness Support in Central Sulawesi”

We created an animated video about Central Sulawesi’s Recovery and Inclusivity. The animation follows the standards set by ABS Indonesia and the Philippines. The illustrations and depictions are adjusted to match the actual conditions on the ground. This animated video contains 80% animations and 20% remote interviews. The purpose of this video is to give an overview of the “Early Recovery and Inclusive Preparedness Support in Central Sulawesi” program after the natural disasters in Palu, Sigi, and Donggala. The video has two versions in English and Bahasa with both using subtitles and also includes International sign and BISINDO videos for deaf audiences.

Indonesian version of video “Dukungan Pemulihan Dini dan Kesiapsiagaan yang Inklusif di Sulawesi Tengah”
English version of Animation video “Support for Inclusive Early Recovery and Preparedness in Central Sulawesi”
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